Monday, July 25, 2005

Third day: the ritual of the spider

Third day: the ritual of the spider

It was everything prepared, I had woven my net on your bed: you were going to fall into it. You are going to be mine.

You brought dry flowers and a wine bottle. I felt like I was lilving in a desert island and tonight we went to offers a SOS inside of the bottle.

Lay down on my bed. My lips convinced to you. I got on the top of your body and I placed my pussy on your face. I tied your hands to my bed. I tied your legs as well and you were my living X, that X that it indicated to me not to follow.

I took another X, my scissors, and I undressed to you of everything what it did not belong to you. Naked you had fallen in my network. My mouth, hungry spider, were going to weave the net that is going to make you mine tonight. My net, my silk, were tied you tight: the neck, the hands, your legs...

Your dick, hard, red hot nail resisted to being immobilized. I strongly tied it and after moaning on him and whispering thousand and sins to him.

I spilled on your body the wine, my blood, drank until the dawn.

Día tercero: el ritual de la araña

Estaba todo preparado, había tejido mi tela en tu cama: ibas a caer. Vas a ser mío.
Traías flores secas y una botella de vino. Se me antojó vivir en una isla desierta y esta noche íbamos a mandas un SOS dentro.

Túmbate. Mis labios te convencieron. Excalé tu cuerpo y en la cima coloqué mi coño en tu cara. Até tus manos a las piernas de mi cama. Até tus piernas y fuiste mi X viviente, esa X que me indicaba no seguir.

Tomé otra X, mis tijeras, y te despojé de todo aquello que no pertenecía a ti. Desnudo habías caído en mi red. Mi boca, araña golosa, iba a tejer la tela que te haría mío: esta noche. Mi tela, mi seda, te iba inmovilizando: el cuello, las manos, tus piernas…

Tu verga, duro, clavo ardiente se resistía a ser inmovilizado. Lo até fuertemente y tras jadear sobre él y susurrarle mil y un pecados.

Vertí sobre tu cuerpo el vino, mi sangre, bebí hasta el amanecer.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Second day: the ritual of the pain

Second day: the ritual of the pain

You found my note under your door: "Father, I confess that I have sinned" along with a black handkerchief of silk.

I struck your door only once. You opened. You made me fell on my kneels, with my hands together, I whispered "Mary, my Mother, immaculate Spouse of the Holy Ghost, refuge of sinners, assist me by thy intercession. " and you gathered to me as if it was a left object.

You did not direct word to me, to only you took the shelter me (long and black like the security of which it deserved a punishment by my sins), underneath my naked skin, my necklace of dog and my submission. You tied my hands with the handkerchief and without mediating word you placed to me on your nap. Your hand grasping a whip fell against my rumps with precise and methodical rate. My rumps, round as two full moons were tinted of wine against the percussion of my punishment.

I wanted to cry, I wanted to beg but I did not do it. I accepted my destiny.

Día segundo: el ritual del dolor

Encontraste mi nota bajo tu puerta: “Padre, confieso que he pecado” junto con un pañuelo negro de seda.

Golpeé tu puerta sólo una vez. Abriste. Arrodillada con las manos juntas, susurré “Ave María purísima, sin pecado concebida” y me recogiste como si fuese un objeto abandonado.

No me dirigiste palabra, sólo me arrancaste el abrigo (largo y negro como la seguridad de que merecía un castigo por mis pecados), debajo mi piel desnuda, mi collar de perro y mi sumisión. Ataste mis manos con el pañuelo y sin mediar palabra me colocaste en tus rodillas. Tu mano empuñando una fusta caía contra mis nalgas con ritmo preciso y metódico. Mis nalgas, redondas como dos lunas llenas se tintaban de vino contra la percusión de mi castigo.

Quise llorar, quise suplicar pero no lo hice. Acepté mi sino.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

First day: Fire´s ritual


Día primero: el ritual del fuego

La llama de la vela danzaba en tus pupilas. Tus labios susurraron ¡hazlo! Y dejé caer su esperma sobre la seda de tu espalda. Gemiste y yo, embriagado de mi deseo, lo repetí varias veces hasta que mis manos se rebelaron y tomaron tus nalgas como si fuese un cáliz sagrado.

Mis labios se posaron suavemente y te succioné con avaricia. Quería poseerte, abarcarte, husmearte, penetrarte y meterte en mí.

Mi lengua exploradora recorría el cañón de tu culo hasta llegar a tu gruta oscura. Mi exploradora tocó a tu puerta: ¿se puede?

Dejaste escapar un suspiro ¿de aprobación? Mi scout jugó al escondite. Mi gusano ciego llegó a tu crisálida. Trató de entrar pero todo fue en vano.

Un río se desbordó en tu vergel.

¿Te has corrido, puta?

First day: Fire´s ritual

The flame of the candle danced in your pupils. Your lips whispered do it! And I dropped its sperm on the silk of your back. You moaned and I, drunk of my desire, repeated several times until my hands rebelled and took your rumps as if it was a sacred chalice.

My lips settled smoothly and I sucked to you with avarice. I wanted to penetrate you, cover you, smeel you, fuck you and you get into me. My exploratory language crossed the canyon of your ass until arriving at your dark grotto. My explorer knocked on your door: let me in.

You left a whisper onn the air, was it an approval sigh? My scout played the hiding place.

My blind worm arrived at your cocoon. It tried to enter but everything was in vain.

A river was overflowed in your orchard.

Have you come, bitch?